God gem problem unpacking with Rails 2.3.2

When using the god gem in a Rails 2.3.2 application, when you unpack (freeze) the god gem with :

sudo rake gems:unpack

it creates the god drectory in vendor/gems with root owner, and group permissions.

Remember to change owner and group for the folder

sudo chown -R user_name vendor/gems/god-0.11.0
sudo chown -R user_name vendor/gems/god-0.11.0

Could not load SystemTimer gem, falling back to Ruby’s slower/unsafe timeout library: no such file to load — system_timer

You have the error showing up after starting either the server (./script/server) or the console (./script/console).
For my particular case it started appearing after installing the Rails 3.0 beta3 version, and in an application developed with Rails 2.3.2.

Just install the system_timer gem:
sudo gem install system_timer

undefined method `render_component’ with ActiveScaffold and Rails 2.3.2

When using a nested (or embedded) scaffold in ActiveScaffold with Rails 2.3.2 you have the error:

undefined method `render_component'

According to the issue here, in Rails 2.3 the render_component has been removed.

Install the render_component from:

script/plugin install git://github.com/lackac/render_component.git -r rails-edge

and restart your server, and it should be working.