You can use the following xdpyinfo command
xdpyinfo | grep dim
dimensions: 3840x3673 pixels (1016x971 millimeters)
You can use the following xdpyinfo command
xdpyinfo | grep dim
dimensions: 3840x3673 pixels (1016x971 millimeters)
To be able to see the job runner IP address in a gitlab job, you can add a script (or add it to an existing one) that uses hostname -I
- hostname -I && your_other_script
You have two files (A.txt, B.txt) that contain records (one line each), and you want to find out the common lines between the two.
For example you have the following two files.
and B.txt
and you want to find or produce a new file (C.txt) that contains only the common record (two) from the two files.
You can use grep with the -Fx options like
grep -Fxf A.txt B.txt > C.txt
that will produce file C.txt that contains the common line (two) from the two files.
The options for grep have the following meaning:
: Interpret the pattern as a list of fixed strings (instead of regular expressions).-x
: Only match whole lines.-f fileA.txt
: Read the patterns from fileA.txt
.It seems that the default email client in Fedora 40 is s-nail instead of mailx in Fedora 39, and trying to send an email from the command line does not work anymore.
The two changes required in order for the command to work with s-nail are:
s-nail: -a is an invalid alias name
So the full command can be like the following:
echo $body | mail -s "Reports for $yesterday" -a $report_path_a -a $report_path_b -c $cc_recipients $recipients
To convert an xlsx file to csv in command line, you can use the following if you have libreoffice installed
libreoffice --headless --convert-to csv file.xlsx
If you would like to convert an epub file to pdf in Linux, you can use calibre.
First install it using
sudo apt-get install calibre
and then you should be able to use it to convert the file like
ebook-convert file.epub file.pdf
As described in the post [here]( you would need to export the key to its own file under the trusted.gpg.d directory.
So for example if the warning is for something like forticlient, first find the key using sudo apt-key gpg list
and then taking the last eight characters and removing the space, export the key to its file (ie forticlient.gpg)
sudo apt-key export 5E54716D | sudo gpg --dearmour -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/forticlient.gpg
To sort the files in a directory use the following
du -sh -- * | sort -h
Taken from
After upgrading a PostgreSQL instance from version 9.6 to the currently latest version 15.3, your application cannot connect to the server, giving an authentication error even if the user/password used is still the same.
This seems to be the result of a change in the method used in the pg_hba.conf file.
Version 9.6 uses md5 but version 15.3 uses scram-sha-256
Changing this in the file pg_hba.conf file from scram-sha-256 to md5 and reloading the configuration file from inside the database with select pg_reload_conf();
, results in the application being able to connect to the database server again.
Update: It is possible to use the recommended scram-sha-256 hash, by doing the following:
#password_encryption = scram-sha-256 # scram-sha-256 or md5
in file /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata/postgresql.conf
select pg_reload_conf();
production=# alter user user_name with password 'password';
When trying to use Nextcloud’s occ (ownCloud Console) command and it’s not possible to use sudo or su (installation on Debian GNU/Linux 11), you can try with the following command (you may have to change the paths to php and occ).
runuser --user www-data -- /usr/local/bin/php /var/www/html/occ user:list