Problem with Sansa mp3 player automatic connection in Mandriva

After an upgrade my Sansa E260 is no longer automatically recognised in Mandriva and looking at the /var/log/messages displays the error:
reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 5

Run as su the following (maybe a couple of times), while the sansa is connected:
sudo rmmod ehci_hcd
sudo modprobe ehci_hcd

406 Not Acceptable – Princely – Dreamhost

You get a ‘406 Not Acceptable’ response from the web server when you try to use the princely plugin for generating pdf on a Ruby on Rails application hosted on dreamhost.

Having tried the ‘Extra Web Security’ settings in dreamhost Web panel, and setting them on/off did not get very far.
Also setting up an .htaccess file didn’t seem to make any difference.
So the mod_security settings did not seem to be the cause of the problem.
Having a look at the apache error log files which in the case of the dreamhost ps are in /usr/local/dh/apache2/logs/apache2-ps_name it turns out that the problem was that the path for the prince binary was not setting up correctly in the file vendor/plugins/princely/lib/prince.rb on line 26.
A quick hack to make it work until finding the reason for the problem is to hardcode the path to the prince binary, so:
@exe_path = `which prince`.chomp
if @exe_path.nil?

Could not load SystemTimer gem, falling back to Ruby’s slower/unsafe timeout library: no such file to load — system_timer

You have the error showing up after starting either the server (./script/server) or the console (./script/console).
For my particular case it started appearing after installing the Rails 3.0 beta3 version, and in an application developed with Rails 2.3.2.

Just install the system_timer gem:
sudo gem install system_timer