Using exo cli to display your vm templates in Exoscale

To display your vm templates, as opposed to all available templates in Exoscale using the exo CLI, use the following (you should have already the environment variables set up to be able to use exo):

exo vm template list --mine
?                  ID                  ?     NAME      ?      CREATION DATE       ?  ZONE   ? DISK SIZE ?
? a58f0180-689d-4663-aa53-91111111111  ? my-ubuntu     ? 2020-08-12T13:44:01+0000 ? ch-dk-2 ? 50 GiB    ?

WARNING: Pulling GitLab Runner helper image from Docker Hub. Helper image is migrating to, for more information see

To change this in your gitlab-runner configuration, depends on the version of your gitlab-runner as described in

If you version is 13.9.0 (gitlab-runner –version), then add the following in ~/.gitlab-runner/config.toml

  name = "gitlab-runner-name"
  request_concurrency = 1
  url = "https://git.url.test/"
  token = "xckaxxxxxxxx"
  executor = "kubernetes"