Adding a LOKI report in Grafana counting number of http_user_agents from NGINX logs

To add a Loki report in Grafana, as for example having a count of the different http_user_agents that have logged in, you can use the following query:

count by (http_agent) (rate({namespace="ingress-nginx",stream="stdout"} |= "" |~ "GET\\s/\\s" | pattern "<ip> - - [<timestamp>] \"<method> <path> <version>\" <result> <_> \"<url>\" \"<http_agent>\" <_>" [$__interval]))

You select the source (Loki) and then use the {namespace=”ingress-nginx”,stream=”stdout”} to get the log files from Nginx.

Then you can filter by two conditions:

  1. the instance login
|= ""


  1. use the regular expression to only select the GET / calls
|~ "GET\\s/\\s"

Then you can use the pattern parser for the log file in order to get the label

pattern "<ip> - - [<timestamp>] \"<method> <path> <version>\" <result> <_> \"<url>\" \"<http_agent>\" <_>"

<_> is used if we are not interested in getting the field, so everything after http_agent is not analyzed in this case.

Finally use the

count by(http_agent) 

to get the data (note that you also need to use the rate with the [$__interval])

Using nginx to redirect to a different port


You have a docker container with an application running in a port different than port 80 (ie port 3000), and would like to access it without specifying the port, by using the domain name only.


Use the nginx proxy_pass as follows:

server {
  listen 80;

  location / {
    proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header  Host $http_host;