NoMethodError: undefined method `timeout=’ for Geokit::Geocoders:Module

Using the latest version of Geokit gives the error for undefined method ‘timeout’. This could happen if the gem/plugin didn’t modify the config/environment.rb file, and you had to copy the configuration values from an older version.

The configuration variable has changed in the latest version (1.5.0) from timeout to request_timeout, so change it in your config/environment.rb file as :
GeoKit::Geocoders::request_timeout = 3

Using Flexigrid with MySQL field carriage returns

You want to use flexigrid with a MySQL fields that contains carriage returns. As the flexigrid uses json it doesn’t work with carriage returns, and displays an empty page, instead of an error page.

In the page_name.json.erb file in the fields that has carriage returns make sure that you use to_json method as in the example below:

‘<%=fg_escape event.comments.to_json -%>‘,