After upgrading to Mandriva 2009.1 Spring, that uses KDE 4, you can no longer lock the screen as you get the error:
no appropriate greeter plugin...
There is a package missing from the upgrade so do:
urpmi kdm
After upgrading to Mandriva 2009.1 Spring, that uses KDE 4, you can no longer lock the screen as you get the error:
no appropriate greeter plugin...
There is a package missing from the upgrade so do:
urpmi kdm
You are trying to install spree from the git source, following the instructions from here, but there are errors like:
gem install activemerchant --version "= 1.4.1" ERROR: While generating documentation for builder-2.1.2 ... MESSAGE: Unhandled special: Special: type=17, text="" ... RDOC args: --ri --op /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/builder-2.1.2/ri --title Builder -- Easy XML Building --main README --line-numbers --quiet lib CHANGES Rakefile README doc/releases/builder-1.2.4.rdoc doc/releases/builder-2.0.0.rdoc doc/releases/builder-2.1.1.
Make sure you have the following gems installed:
sudo gem install builder haml echoe
and then run:
sudo rake gems:install