To be able to see the job runner IP address in a gitlab job, you can add a script (or add it to an existing one) that uses hostname -I
- hostname -I && your_other_script
To be able to see the job runner IP address in a gitlab job, you can add a script (or add it to an existing one) that uses hostname -I
- hostname -I && your_other_script
You want to download a copy of your gitlab backup (ie when upgrading to version 7.0.0 as described in [here]( ).
Login to the toolbox pod and get the credentials file for s3
cat /etc/gitlab/.s3cfg
Create a new file locally (ie ~/.s3cfg_gitlab) and then download the file locally with
s3cmd get s3://gitlab-backups/database_upgrade_6_gitlab_backup.tar 20230531_gitlab_backup.tar -c ~/.s3cfg_gitlab
If you want to remove the ‘repository scheduled for deletion’ message from a self hosted gitlab’s container registry installation, you can do the following.
Login to the toolbox pod
kubectl --kubeconfig /path/to/gitlab/kubeconfig -n gitlab-system exec -it gitlab-toolbox-pod-name -- bash
Start the rails console
cd /srv/gitlab
bundle exec rails console
Find the repository with it’s id and then get the registry for it
The message is displayed when the status of the container is set to ‘delete_scheduled’, so change this to be null
You are trying to install the gitlab kubernetes agent (kas) after getting the installation instructions from the Gitlab registration, but you are getting the following error:
Error: parse error at (gitlab-agent/templates/observability-secret.yaml:1): unclosed action
This is caused by the helm version used, so upgrading the helm version works with no issues.
helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.5.3", GitCommit:"041ce5a2c17a58be0fcd5f5e16fb3e7e95fea622", GitTreeState:"dirty", GoVersion:"go1.15.8"}
so trying to install gives the previous error.
Changing the helm version (ie with asdf)
asdf global helm 3.70
Checking the version
helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.7.0", GitCommit:"eeac83883cb4014fe60267ec6373570374ce770b", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.16.8"}
And running the helm installation again
helm upgrade --install gitlab-kas-agent gitlab/gitlab-agent \
--namespace gitlab-agent --set image.tag=v15.6.0 \
--set config.token=token_from_gitlab-registration \
--set config.kasAddress=wss://kas.domain_name.tld
Release "gitlab-kas-agent" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: gitlab-kas-agent
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Dec 5 13:38:33 2022
NAMESPACE: gitlab-agent
STATUS: deployed
To export a project through Gitlab’s API, first create a Personal Access Token (PAT) and give api and repository permissions.
Export PAT as an environment variable.
Then find the project id (main page of the project – 1111).
To start an export use
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $PAT" "https://your.gitlab.repo/api/v4/projects/1111/export" --data "upload[http_method]=PUT"
Then check the status and get the download link when it has finished
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $PAT" "https://your.gitlab.repo/api/v4/projects/1111/export" {"id":1111,"description":"Project description","name":"project","name_with_namespace":"MyOrg / project","path":"project","path_with_namespace":"myorg/project","created_at":"2021-11-01T10:57:23.195+02:00","export_status":"finished","_links":{"api_url":"https://your.gitlab.repo/api/v4/projects/1111/export/download","web_url":"https://your.gitlab.repo/myorg/project/download_export"}}
You would like to import an existing Gitlab project, through an export file, to a new self hosted instance of Gitlab, but using the Web UI, even after changing the max-body-size in the ingress deployment you end up having the error message
Request Entity Too Large
There is another way to import the exported file, but is not documented anywhere as it is classed as EXPERIMENTAL from Gitlab.
You can copy the exported file to the gitlab-toolbox pod
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/gitlab_config cp local_export.tar.gz gitlab-toolbox-xxx-xxx:/tmp/
You can then login to the gitlab-toolbox pod
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/gitlab_config -n gitlab-system exec -it gitlab-toolbox-xxx-xxx -- bash
get to directory with the application
cd srv/gitlab
and finally use the rake task gitlab:import_export:import to import your project
git@gitlab-toolbox-xxx-xxx:/srv/gitlab$ bundle exec rake gitlab:import_export:import[your_new_gitlab_username,namespace_path,project_path,/tmp/2022-06-14_14-53-007_export.tar.gz]
It is possible to change the configuration of a running gitlab-runner by editing the file ~/.gitlab-runner/config.toml.
For example to be able to switch the log_level from ‘info’ to ‘debug’ and back again, you can do so by logging into the gitlab-runner and then editing the file.
The file is reloaded without the need for rebooting the gitlab-runner.
You want to use Google’s Autopilot for your gitlab runners, but your job/builds fail because of low resources (ie ephemeral storage).
You can use a limit range to increase the limits for ephemeral storage or/and memory that will make Google’s autopilot to use them and scale them appropriately.
Create a limit range file like:
apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
name: limit-ephemeral-storage
- default:
ephemeral-storage: "10Gi"
memory: "16Gi"
ephemeral-storage: "10Gi"
memory: "16Gi"
type: Container
And then apply it to your cluster
kubectl -n namespace apply -f limit_range.yaml
To change this in your gitlab-runner configuration, depends on the version of your gitlab-runner as described in
If you version is 13.9.0 (gitlab-runner –version), then add the following in ~/.gitlab-runner/config.toml
[[runners]] name = "gitlab-runner-name" request_concurrency = 1 url = "https://git.url.test/" token = "xckaxxxxxxxx" executor = "kubernetes" environment = ["FF_GITLAB_REGISTRY_HELPER_IMAGE=1"]
Trying to use the usual way of adding Gitlab’s key to the ssh agent, is not working in alpine image (but it works in debian/ubuntu), and you get the following error message:
- ssh-add <(echo "$GITLABCICD_PRIVATE_KEY")
/bin/sh: syntax error: unexpected "("
Try to use the following instead:
- echo "$GITLABCICD_PRIVATE_KEY" | ssh-add -