Find the current AMI image (i.e. Ubuntu 16.04) in AWS using command line

If you would like to programatically find the current image of a specific distribution in AWS for your region, with the use of the aws cli, use the following (in this example looking for Ubuntu 16.04).

aws ec2 describe-images \
    --owners 099720109477 \
    --filters "Name=name,Values=ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-????????" "Name=state,Values=available" \
    --query "reverse(sort_by(Images, &CreationDate))[:1].ImageId" \
    --output text

Or for 18.04

aws ec2 describe-images \
    --owners 099720109477 \
    --filters "Name=name,Values=ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-????????" "Name=state,Values=available" \
    --query "reverse(sort_by(Images, &CreationDate))[:1].ImageId" \
    --output text

This is from the examples in the documentation here:

Decode access secret key from Terraform IAM user creation


You want to use the pgp encryption when using Terraform to create an AWS IAM user, and you have the secret access token returned as an output but encoded.


Use the following to get the actual secret key decoded (after copying your encoded key to a file encrypted_key.txt:

$ cat encrypted_key.txt | base64 --decode | gpg -d

AWS allowing access to Billing to IAM user


When you create a new AWS account the access to Billing for IAM users is not enabled by default.


In order to allow access you have to follow the steps below:

  • Login to your AWS account with your root user (email and password)
  • Go to the top right drop down ‘My Account’
  • Find the section that is called ‘IAM User and Role Access to Billing information’, use ‘Edit’, tick the box ‘Enable access’ and then ‘Update’.

More information can be found in the Amazon’s help page

Get a list of your Route53 subdomains using aws cli docker image


You would like to have a list of your subdomains for a specific domain (hosted zone), that are hosted in Amazon’s Route 53.


You can install the aws cli docker image from here if you don’t want to install the aws cli in your computer.

You can afterwards start the container with:

docker run -it cgswong/aws:latest

Then configure it by running the following and adding your credentials and zone:

efe9881d4fd:/tmp# aws configure
 AWS Access Key ID [None]: aws_access_key_id
 AWS Secret Access Key [None]: aws_secret_access_key
 Default region name [None]: eu-central-1
 Default output format [None]:

Then run the first command to get a list of the hosted zones and get the id of the hosted zone you want to find the subdomains for:

3efe9881d4fd:/tmp# aws route53 list-hosted-zones
    "HostedZones": [
            "ResourceRecordSetCount": 2, 
            "CallerReference": "RISWorkflow-RD:xxxxx", 
            "Config": {
                "Comment": "HostedZone created by Route53 Registrar", 
                "PrivateZone": false
            "Id": "/hostedzone/HOSTEDZONEID", 
            "Name": ""

Then pick the HOSTEDZONEID and run the following to get a list of subdomains for that domain:

3efe9881d4fd:/tmp# aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone="HOSTEDZONEID" | grep "Name" | uniq

   "Name": "",                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
   "Name": "",                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
   "Name": "",

Error in AWS when trying to include puppet modules (Error: Could not find class apache2 for …)


You are trying to work with puppet modules in AWS, after installing puppet as a gem, but when you try to put the modules and manifests outside the main manifests/site.pp file you get an error similar to following:

Error: Could not find class apache2 for on node


Create a file for the puppet configuration in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf and add the paths to your own manifests and modules, like :

$aws sudo vi /etc/puppet/puppet.conf

and add your paths:

manifest = /home/ubuntu/puppet/manifests/site.pp
modulepath = /etc/puppet/modules:/usr/share/puppet/modules:/home/ubuntu/puppet/modules

$rvm_path (/home/ubuntu/.rvm/) does not exist. error


When you want to use the capistrano recipe to deploy to a vagrant virtual box as described in ‘Deploying Rails’, and after you have corrected the rvm_path as described here, you get the following error message:

$rvm_path (/home/ubuntu/.rvm/) does not exist.


Make sure that after adding the rvm_path add also the following to the deploy.rb file, since rvm is installed system wide.

set :rvm_type, :system

Suggestion from here.

sudo: puppet: command not found – when trying to use puppet with rvm in aws

When trying to use the

rvmsudo puppet apply --verbose manifests/site.pp

command in a aws instance to follow the instruction from ‘Deploying Rails’, the following error complains that the puppet command is not found, like:

sudo: puppet: command not found

After some searching and having a look at the blog post here and using the rvm notes in the aws instance and looking at this:

  * On some systems (like Ubuntu) rvmsudo requires following changes to work properly:

It seems that for security reason the sudo command resets the path in the system.

You can actually see that this the case by running the command to display the path of the normal user:

aws$ echo 'echo $PATH' | sh

and the corresponding one for the sudo:

aws$ echo 'echo $PATH' | sudo sh

So a workaround to make it work is to add your group into the exemptions group in the visudo file, which means editing the visudo file:

sudo visudo

and adding the group that your user you are working with belongs to:

Defaults        env_reset
Defaults        exempt_group=name_of_your_group(or admin in some systems)