You are trying to use an image from Docker in your Ubuntu 14.04 system, but you are getting a error like the following:
014/12/13 17:10:23 Error response from daemon: Cannot start container 4023610855c0551bdc44d0e602f20999c0527da3cfe010169707248887b3a1f0: /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/4023610855c0551bdc44d0e602f20999c0527da3cfe010169707248887b3a1f0 is not within /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/4023610855c0551bdc44d0e602f20999c0527da3cfe010169707248887b3a1f0
Your docker version is outdated (ie 1.0.1) so you would need to upgrade your docker installation.
There is a script for this (information from here):
After running the following you should be able to use your images as normal with: sudo docker run -t -i image/name bin/bash:
$ curl -s | sudo sh