Cucumber – Carrierwave – ImageUploader – Variable class

You would like to test the carrierwave imageuploader with a cucumber test, but you would also like to use a generic step that can be used with different classes and different image file column names.

Use the following and perhaps put it a file named features/common_steps.rb

Then /^the url for the column "([^"]*)" of model "([^"]*)" should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |col,mdl,url|
  # First get tne class name from the mdl argument by using the Kernel.const_get method
  m = Kernel.const_get(mdl).first
  # And then use the send with the column name (col) to call the model's field,
  # the url method of ImageUploader to get the full path
  # and basename to get only the file name
  File.basename(m.send(col).url).should == url

The user limit on the total number of inotify watches was reached or the kernel failed to allocate a needed resource. (Errno::ENOSPC)


When using the guard gem together with spork and cucumber and rspec to automate testing in your rails app, you get the following error:

The user limit on the total number of inotify watches was reached or the kernel failed to allocate a needed resource. (Errno::ENOSPC)

which also causes the guard to stop running.


Looking at the directory where the error takes place it appears there are a lot of temp files in the public/uploads/tmp directory that are not cleared up (using carrierwave for image uploading).
Maybe adding an initializer as suggested here would solve the clearing up of the files.
Otherwise by manually deleting the files and running guard again, it should work as expected.