You want to replace the standard text descriptions in ActiveScaffold’s actions with your icons.
- Create a file called active_scaffold_overrides.css in ror_project/public/stylesheets
- Copy the css code from ror_project/vendor/plugins/active_scaffold/frontends/default/stylesheets/stylesheet.css and paste it in to the file created in the previous step.
- Create a directory my_images in ror_project/public/images/activescaffold to hold your images.
- Copy to the new directory the images you want to use in the application.
- In the active_scaffold_overrides.css file find the section named:
/* Table :: Actions (Edit,Delete) .... */
and for each action that you want to use an icon add (ie edit)
.active_scaffold tr.record td.actions a.edit { display: block; width: 16px; height: 16px; background: transparent url(../../../images/active_scaffold/my_images/image.png) no-repeat right 50%; }
- In the application.rb, if you want the links to be the same for the whole application add:
ActiveScaffold.set_defaults do |config| ="" end
- in your layout/application.rhtml (create one if you don’t already have one), include
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "active_scaffold_overrides" %>
- Restart webrick/mongrel