Using ActiveScaffold in Rails 2.2 after using default scaffolding

You want to use ActiveScaffold in Rails 2.2, in a model that you have created using the standard Rails scaffolding script.


  1. Install the ActiveScaffold plugin:
    script/plugin install git:// -r rails-2.2
  2. In your layout (model or application for all models) add the following:
    <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
    <%= active_scaffold_includes %>
  3. In your controller file delete all the standard scaffolding code and add one line, so that your new controller should look like:
    class SomethingsController < ApplicationController
      active_scaffold :something
  4. To configure a RESTful scaffold add the following to your route.rb file:
    map.resources :somethings, :active_scaffold => true
  5. Delete the views that were created from the standard rails scaffolding in the views/somethings folder (edit, show, index ...)
  6. Restart your server

You should now have an active scaffold for your model.